Location Allocation for Investments in Turkey

Location Allocation Services in Turkey for Encouraged Investments

For industrial investments, livestock investments, education investments and tourism investments, investors are offered incentives for investment location-land (land) allocation. Land allocation and easement support offered for 49 years is extremely valuable for investors. Treasury land allocation can be requested.

Among the support elements, the "investment place-land allocation" support is provided to investors by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (General Directorate of National Real Estate).

The right investment in the right place in Turkey; Discover Your Potential!

Who Can Benefit from Investment Land Allocation? There are many individuals who seek to benefit from investment land allocation opportunities. Unfortunately, not everyone can benefit from the investment site allocation opportunities provided by the government. Certain conditions must be met to benefit from these allocation processes. The conditions and individuals who can benefit from investment land allocation include:

  • Individuals who have obtained an investment incentive certificate from the Ministry of Industry and Technology
  • Projects that require investment site land to proceed
  • Real and legal persons who have been given approval for land allocation suitable for investment
  • Individuals who have submitted a petition for investment incentive land
  • Individuals who have suitable land allocated for their investments Generally, if you possess an investment incentive certificate, you will generally be allocated an investment site. We can assure you that you will not encounter any problems in this regard and will comfortably benefit from these investment site allocation opportunities.

Who can apply for an investment place within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

All domestic and foreign companies and entrepreneurs who want to invest can apply.

How long does the land allocation process take within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The process can vary depending on the complexity of the application and the workload of local governments, but it can often take several months.

What types of structures can be built on the land allocated within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The land can be used for the purposes specified in the investment plan; Structures such as factories, warehouses, research facilities can be established.

What is the cost of land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Land allocation can often be low-cost or free under the incentive; however, it may vary depending on the location and the size of the land.

What are my obligations after the land is allocated within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Completion of the investment within the specified period, initiation of business activities and not using the allocated land for purposes other than the specified purpose are among the main obligations.

Can land allocation be canceled within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Yes, the land allocation can be canceled if the investment is not made in accordance with the established conditions.

Can the land allocated as an investment place within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey be changed?

Often, the allocated land is specifically selected for investment and may not be able to be changed. However, exceptions can be evaluated.

What financial information should be submitted when applying for Land Allocation under Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Details such as the cost of the investment, sources of financing, expected revenue, and profitability projections are required.

What can I do if my application for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey is rejected?

Depending on the reason for the rejection, you can reapply after reviewing your application and correcting the deficiencies.

Are there any support services after land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Yes, most regional development agencies offer support services to investors, such as consulting, training, and access to the local workforce.

We Have the Land That Will Carry Your Investment to the Future!

How is the infrastructure status of the investment place evaluated within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Before the land is allocated, infrastructure facilities, transport links and other basic services are evaluated.

Are special environmental permits required for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Depending on the type of investment, an environmental impact assessment and various environmental permits may be required.

What are the limitations on land use within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Land use is limited only to the investment purpose for which it is allocated, and uses that are not in accordance with this purpose are prohibited.

What is the relationship between investment incentives and land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Investment incentives are a set of benefits offered to encourage certain investments, and land allocation can be part of these incentives.

Can a joint venture be established on land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Yes, joint ventures or collaborations can be established on the land, but all partners must agree to the terms of the investment.

What are the priority sectors in land allocation within the scope of investment incentives in Turkey?

Generally, priority is given to strategic sectors such as manufacturing, energy, technology and tourism.

Grow Your Investment Opportunities, Make Your Desire Come True!

Is a local partnership required to receive Land Allocation within the Scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The local partnership requirement may vary depending on the incentive program applied for and the nature of the investment.

Are tax advantages provided to investors who are allocated land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Investors who have been allocated land can be provided with various tax deductions and exemptions within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey.

What is the duration of the land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The duration of the land allocation may vary depending on the type and scope of the investment, usually limited to a specific period of time.

Are renewable energy projects privileged in land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Yes, environmentally friendly projects and renewable energy investments are generally considered as a priority.

Which legal regulations apply to land allocation transactions within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Land allocation procedures are carried out within the framework of the regulations of the relevant Regional Development Agency and the laws of the Republic of Turkey.

Do the companies that are allocated land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey have social responsibility obligations?

Companies are expected to act in accordance with environmental and social responsibility standards.

How should the details of the business plan be for the Land Allocation Application within the Scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The business plan should include the purpose of the investment, expected outputs, the number of people to be employed, and financial details.

Is there any support for the personnel who will work in the region where land is allocated within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Support can be provided through various government and regional programs for the training and development of employees.

How are the environmental impacts of investment evaluated within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The environmental impacts of the investment are assessed through a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.

Add value to your investment with land supported by incentives!

What are the next steps if the allocation of land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey is unsuccessful?

In cases of failure, a new application can be made by eliminating the deficiencies in the application process.

What are the procedures to be followed after receiving the allocation of land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The use of the land allocation is regularly audited and the progress of the investment is reported.

How are legal disputes resolved in the land allocation process within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Legal disputes are resolved in accordance with the guidelines and legal framework of the relevant regional development agency.

Are there any special conditions for international investors for Land Allocation within the Scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

For international investors, additional documents and conditions may be required in some cases.

How is monitoring and evaluation carried out for projects allocated land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Projects are evaluated at regular intervals and the impact and efficiency of the investment are monitored.

What is the minimum investment amount for Land Allocation within the Scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The minimum investment amount may vary depending on the type and region of the investment. Usually, this information is provided by the relevant regional development agency.

Is insurance support provided to investors who are allocated land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

In some cases, insurance supports may be offered to investors to mitigate risks. These supports differ according to the type of investment.

Choose an Investment Place Today, Be the Leader of Tomorrow!

How is the order of priority determined for the application in the allocation of land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The order of priority is determined according to criteria such as the size of the investment, the employment it will provide and its contribution to regional development.

Is it obligatory to establish private sector partnerships in order to receive land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Private sector partnerships are usually not mandatory, but in some projects, collaboration can increase the success of the investment.

Will the language barrier be a problem in land allocation for foreign investors within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The language barrier can be managed through local business partners or translators. Turkish or English is usually used in official transactions.

Strengthen Your Investments with Strategic Land Choices!

How should investors' relations with local communities be for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Investors are expected to establish good relations with local communities and contribute to social responsibility projects.

Is there a guarantee of access to energy resources in land allocation within the scope of investment incentives in Turkey?

Land allocations are usually chosen to facilitate access to energy sources, but the guarantee may vary depending on the situation.

Is legal advice provided to investors during the land allocation process within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Most regional development agencies offer investors the possibility to provide legal advice throughout the process.

How is the financial soundness of companies applying for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey evaluated?

The financial status of the companies is evaluated with criteria such as bank information, budget allocated for investment and debt status.

How is environmental sustainability ensured in projects allocated to land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Projects should be planned in accordance with environmental sustainability standards and audits are carried out in this direction.

What are the regional differences for the land allocation process within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Different regions of Turkey may offer different allocation terms according to their economic priorities and development goals.

Government-Backed Land Allocation for Lucrative Investments!

How are the technological infrastructure opportunities in land allocation within the scope of investment incentives in Turkey?

The allocated lands are usually selected from regions that have the infrastructure to support high-tech investments.

How to resolve disputes in the land allocation process within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Disputes can be resolved by legal means or mediation in accordance with the terms of the allocation.

What incentives are offered in the allocation of land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey, other than government support?

In addition to government support, various tax breaks and infrastructure supports can be offered by local governments.

Is it necessary for the company to have a local office in order to apply for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

A local office is not usually required, but in some cases, a local presence can be beneficial in terms of managing the investment.

Is there any support for employee training for investors who have been allocated land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Various programs can be offered by the government or in private sector collaborations for the training of employees.

Invest in the Future with Pioneering Solutions in Land Allocation!

Are cultural heritage sites protected when allocating land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Cultural heritage sites are protected and special permits may be required when investing in such areas.

Are there technology transfer supports for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Yes, technology transfer and innovation supports can be offered in technology-oriented investments.

Is compliance with international standards mandatory for investment land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Compliance with international standards is important for the integration of the project into global markets and is often encouraged.

How do privacy policies work in Land Allocation within the Scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Privacy policies and agreements are in place to protect sensitive investment-related information.

Are innovative projects given priority in land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Innovative and high-tech projects usually receive more support and priority.

How are the social effects of investment evaluated in land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The social impacts of the investment on the local community are an important factor in the process of evaluating the project.

Is public opinion taken in the land allocation process within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

In large-scale investments, public opinion and participation of local communities are encouraged.

Is the investor's environmental background examined for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The investor's environmental performance in previous projects may be taken into account during the application evaluation process.

Get the chance to grow in the places where it is encouraged!

Is it necessary to submit an activity report for the application for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The activity report may be required to detail the planned outputs and impacts of the investment.

How are financial audits carried out in the process of land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Financial audits are conducted regularly to ensure transparency and accountability of the investment.

How to calculate the ecological footprint of investors for land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The ecological footprint of the investors is examined within the scope of the environmental sustainability assessment of the project.

Are there any localization conditions for international investors in the allocation of land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

The participation of international investors in the localization process may be important in order to strengthen regional integration.

How is the cooperation with local governments for projects that are allocated land within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

Collaboration with local governments is critical to ensure that the project is aligned with regional policies.

What happens if the project is canceled after receiving the land allocation within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey?

If the project is canceled, the allocated land must be returned to the state and a report on the actions taken must be submitted.

land allocation with incentives; Lay Solid Foundations for Your Investment!

Prepare the Perfect Ground for Your Investment in Turkey within the Scope of Investment Incentives

One of the most critical steps for every entrepreneur and business considering investing is choosing the right investment location. We, as Investment Incentives Investment Place Land Allocation Services in Turkey, are here to allocate the most suitable lands to you, the investors. You build your dream, we will prepare the ground for you to realize it.

Our land allocation services offered within the scope of Investment Incentives in Turkey are designed to accelerate your investment and facilitate your processes. We offer special solutions for your sectoral needs in a wide range from production to technology, from agriculture to tourism. With these government-backed incentives, your land allocation processes are managed quickly and effectively, so you can focus on your business.

Do not forget that with the allocation of your land to you, we are also with you in many matters, from infrastructure to legal consultancy. With the privileged services we offer to our investors, proceed confidently at every stage of your project. Get the opportunity to manage your investment with maximum efficiency with access to energy resources, technological infrastructure opportunities and support from regional development agencies.

While all kinds of construction and operation activities you will carry out in your investment place are carried out with environmentally friendly and sustainable methods, you can also increase your contribution to the local community with social responsibility projects. We shape your investments to help you make not only an economic impact, but also a social and environmental impact.

Rise on the right ground for your success! As Investment Incentives Investment Place Land Allocation Services in Turkey, we are here to provide the most suitable locations for your big dreams. Discover the starting point of your investment with us and maximize your potential. We are proud to be with you on your investment journey.

We Are Here With Our Investment Incentive Services In Turkey That Will Shape Your Future!

You can contact us for the allocation of space and the solution of problems with the Investment Incentive certificate.

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