Starting a Software Company Business Idea

Starting a Software Company Business Idea

It's the computer era. Even more than computers, it's the information era.

We work through computers in every aspect of our business, from rent payments to bill payments. In recent months, the importance of working through the internet and software activities has increased even more. In particular, starting a software company has become one of the most profitable business ideas of recent times.

People now have the chance to work from home and start a business. Software companies develop and distribute software for entertaining, learning, calculating, evaluating, multitasking, and playing.

Opening a Software Company

To start a software company, you will need capital, technical support skills and knowledge, programming knowledge and marketing expertise, as in any company. If you have a question in your mind about how software companies make a profit, these companies earn from their transactions, memberships and license fees.

If the software product is free, they earn from advertising revenue, technical support services, and training services. The IT sector is one of the areas with the most lucrative jobs. No matter what job you do, you will earn good profits. Starting a software company is also one of the lucrative business ideas. Any entrepreneur who understands computers and has the necessary equipment can establish a software company.

Steps to Start a Software Company

If you want to build a software company that is successful and you can win, you must tread carefully and do everything properly.

Find Capital for Your Company

A software company is one of the few entrepreneurial models that can operate on a low budget. However, it still needs a business model and money for businesses to survive. Establishing a software company is between 2,500 – 5,000 TL with its general expenses (company establishment cost) and you can establish this company with the help of an accountant.

Make a list of the total capital you will need to finance your software company in the early stages of incorporation. The cost of establishing a software company is around 30 – 60 thousand TL if an office is to be established. If you do not have enough capital, you can apply to people or institutions that will provide you with finance.

For this, you can get support from your family or friends, find investors through their website, and start your business by getting a bank loan.

Developing Software and Business Expertise

To start a software company; You need to have a good level of computer, coding, design, development. Likewise, the people who will work with you should have a good understanding of computer language. If possible, get a university degree in computing. Go to courses affiliated with the Ministry of Education.

Another suggestion is to work for another software company for a while before starting your own software company. In this way, it will be useful for you to have a clearer understanding of the business and to have an idea of how things are carried out.

Deciding on the Nature of the Work

A software company;

  1. Developing a program
  2. Developing an interface
  3. Web software services
  4. SEO services
  5. Digital transformation
  6. App design and development
  7. Artificial intelligence
  8. It does business in many similar areas.
  1. Create a Business Plan

A business plan is a strategy that every business should have. You also need to prepare a suitable business plan for your software company. Your software business, your product, your market target Audience, your branding approach, you should create a detailed business plan that explains the purpose of your financial needs and product competition. Include a strategic plan in your business plan to guide you in achieving your goals for the company.

The strategic layout should include your business concept, market research, a marketing plan, an operations plan, and a financial plan. Your business plan will both guide the sustainability of your business and help you tell people about your business in your search for capital.

Set Up Your Office

If you are just going to open a web design company, you can run this business from the comfort of your home, and you can work for less cost than setting up an office. But if you're going to take on more tasks, an office environment will work better for you.

The software company that you will open in a well-chosen location will allow you to reach more people. Your software company, which you will open in a place where there is heavy traffic, where customers and staff can easily reach the company, and where there is no parking problem, can provide you with good profits. Places where business centers are located may be suitable areas for you.

Find your office space and buy all the necessary equipment and tools. Having a spacious workspace in your office will allow the staff to work more comfortably.

Note: if you are thinking of starting a new business in this field, you can also contact people who are looking for cooperation or business partnership in the software industry. You  can visit our page looking for investors in the software industry to access sample advertisements on the subject.

Build Your Staff Roster

You should find well-trained personnel who are experts in computers and software. Your staff; He must have the right skills, good personality traits, and experience. You should choose your staff from people with strong imagination and development ability.

A strong team will lead you to success as soon as possible. Before you make a hiring decision, you should make sure that you choose the best software developers.

In addition, you need to take into account not only developers but also people who have competence in sales and marketing in your staffing phase.

Purchase Mandatory Equipment and Applications

After determining the office space in a suitable location, for your team; Equip programming applications, computers, servers, data storage, and all the essential tools that come in handy when creating and deploying software. Try not to get under loads that are too costly. Today, many companies; It rents a lot of content in the field of informatics. You can do research in this area.

Set a development timeline for your software product. Keep in mind that a complex data management system will take longer to develop than a simple mobile phone application. It's always wise to consult with outside experts and ask your team for input on the appropriate wait time for the software you're bringing to market. Of course, eliminating other potential competition is a priority.

Create clear channels of communication between you and software development team members to keep everyone moving in the same direction and working towards a common vision product. Weekly status meetings are an excellent way to track progress and review the timeline.

Things to Do After Establishing a Software Company

Testing Products/Services

After the development phase, you need to test the product. Establish a structured quality control and warranty process. You can assign a small development team to test whether each feature works properly on different operating systems, or you can bring in outside testers with a new look to interact with the software.

A complete layout of testing procedures should guide testers not to skip any steps. Otherwise, the test will be invalid.

Also, allow a small team of consumers from your target audience to use your product and measure it in terms of ease of use, accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency. This will help you make the necessary changes to your software as well and re-test the quality before finally releasing it to the market.

After developing your product, you also need to take care of the necessary trademark and patent work.

Advertising & Marketing

As a result of the fact that many people who understand computers well have established a software company, there is serious competition in this market. It will be an advantage for you to produce, develop and launch a product that no one has produced before.

Marketing plays an important role in the success of every business. Marketing your product in the most effective way means surpassing your competitors in the market, increasing the number of customers and your earnings. You should promote yourself on all possible online or offline platforms. You should also allocate a budget for marketing activities.

Nowadays, it is a rule for every business to have an online location. Make sure you have a website for your software company and a page on social media. Take your place on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. To market your products or services, you can apply to places that you believe will be genuinely interested.

Let other software companies inspire you. In particular, follow the activities of large software companies mentioned in the industry. This will both give you information about the products they develop and give you a closer understanding of their strategies.


Establishing a business and ensuring sustainability is difficult for everyone. However, it is natural for problems to arise. In such a situation, remember that no one can do everything right the first time. No failure is permanent, and every mistake brings you closer to your dreams.

One thing is for sure; As long as you provide your customers with something that makes their lives better, a winning and thriving software company of your own will always pay off well.

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