Hookah Café Business İdea

Hookah Café Business İdea

Opening a Hookah Cafe

Hookah café is one of the popular service business lines of the last period. You can take this potential to the next level by opening a café that sells hookah products, the consumption of which is increasing day by day in our country.

Entrepreneurs and investors who want to open a hookah café can get the opportunity to launch their own hookah café business in a short time by following the steps in our guide.


There is an increase in the volume of business in the hookah sector. However, many of the big cafes now sell hookahs in addition to all their services. For this reason, instead of opening a hookah café, it may be more logical to open a standard café and sell hookah in addition. We recommend this way in parallel with the decrease in the business volume of businesses opened only on the name of hookah in the recent period.


The first critical step in opening a hookah café is to rent a shop in the right area. In order to increase the business volume potential of your business, you need to rent a shop in an area with high customer potential.

The shop in the right location in the café sector is very valuable.

In order to take the potential of the business to the next level, we recommend that you find a shop with a high customer potential. It is important that the relevant shop has an average size of 100 square meters. It is sufficient for businesses to be opened as boutiques to have an area of 50-60 square meters.


You cannot start operating without obtaining a license to operate a hookah café. In order to obtain a license in the café sector, which is among the important businesses of the service branch, you need to apply to the municipality with many documents.

Documents required to open a hookah café:

  1. 2 photos
  2. Copy of Identity Card and Certificate of Residence
  3. Criminal Record Certificate
  4. Any document showing that you are registered with the Social Security Institution
  5. Operator Identification Document
  6. Signature Circular and Trade Registry Gazette (not required if it is a sole proprietorship)
  7. Tax Board
  8. Chamber Activity Certificate and Chamber Registration Certificate
  9. Title Deed and Building Occupancy Permit
  10. Lease Agreement (must be made with the owner(s) named in the title deed) (original or notarized copy) (if the workplace is rented)
  11. Fire Brigade Compliance Report
  12. Workplace Opening License Opinion Certificate from the Wastewater Administration
  13. The closed area should be a minimum of 15 m².
  14. If the workplace is opened to a "residence", a "letter of consent" must be obtained.

You can learn all the other details about opening a shop from the Documents Required to Open a Shop and Cost guide.

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