Seamless Company Setup and Registration Solutions in Turkey

Seamless Company Setup and Registration Solutions in Turkey

Why Choose Turkey for Your Business Venture?

Turkey stands as a strategic bridge between Europe and Asia, offering a vibrant economy and a welcoming environment for foreign entrepreneurs. Whether you're considering importing, exporting, manufacturing, or any other form of business, Turkey offers vast opportunities. Understanding where, how, and why to set up your business in Turkey can initially seem daunting. However, with the right guidance from experienced consultants like Doing, navigating these waters becomes straightforward and secure.

How to Establish Your Company in Turkey: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the Right Location and Setting Up Your Business Structure

Location Selection
Choosing the right location is crucial. Depending on your business type be it manufacturing, retail, or service-oriented—the ideal location varies. Factors such as proximity to major cities, logistics convenience, local labor markets, and regulatory frameworks need to be considered. Doing helps you analyze these factors to find the most suitable location for your operations.

Business Registration and Legal Framework

Setting up a company in Turkey involves several bureaucratic steps, starting from registering your business name to obtaining the necessary licenses. Our team at Doing simplifies this process, assisting with legal paperwork and ensuring compliance with Turkish business regulations.

Opening Bank Accounts and Hiring an Accountant

Financial Setup
One of the first steps after registering your company is opening a bank account and setting up your accounting processes. We guide you through choosing a bank that suits your business needs and connecting you with skilled accountants who specialize in international business operations.

Import and Export Permits

For businesses involved in trade, obtaining import and export licenses is essential. Doing provides personalized assistance in navigating the complex trade regulations and in securing all necessary permits to ensure your goods move smoothly across borders.

Investment Incentives for Manufacturing Enterprises

Investment Incentive Certificates
The Turkish government offers various incentives for manufacturing firms, including tax breaks, subsidies, and land allocation. Doing helps you apply for and obtain these investment incentive certificates, maximizing the benefits for your manufacturing setup.

Additional Services for a Comprehensive Business Setup

Trademark Registration and Certification Processes
Protecting your brand and products is crucial in a competitive market. We assist you in registering your trademarks and obtaining any certifications needed for your business to thrive in and outside Turkey.

Legal and Contractual Services
Our legal team provides expert advice and drafting services for business contracts, employment agreements, and other legal documents necessary to safeguard your business interests.

Partner with Doing for a Secure and Friendly Business Experience in Turkey

At Doing, we prioritize empathy and understanding in our services. We ask "Why?", "How?", and "What if I were in their shoes?" to provide tailored advice and support for foreign businesses looking to establish themselves in Turkey. Our goal is to make you feel secure and supported, ensuring a friendly and profitable business environment.

Ready to Start Your Business Journey in Turkey?
If you're ready to explore the dynamic business opportunities that Turkey offers, contact Doing today. Let us help you take the first step towards a successful business venture in one of the world’s most welcoming and strategically located markets. Your success in Turkey starts with us!

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