Seize the Opportunity to Export with Anatolian Trade Centers

Seize the Opportunity to Export with Anatolian Trade Centers

First of all, it is necessary to get to know TARIMKON, which is the main formation;

Grab the Opportunity to Export from Anatolia to the World with Us

From Anatolia to the World

Who is Tarımkon?

International Confederation of Agriculture and Food | TARIMKON completes the integration of supply, demand, consultancy, project owners under one roof in the field of agriculture, food and sub-industry based on these sectors, with joint consultation and national-international marketing, economic and economic cooperation,

It serves more than 6.5 million manufacturers worldwide with 81 provinces, 640 districts, 16 Administrative Departments, 11 Federations, 6 Cooperatives, 5 Boards, 3 Foundations, 3 Training Centers, 5 Institutes, 3 Research Centers, 17 Platforms, 6 Business Councils, representations in 55 countries in the world, sales and marketing offices in 14 countries, showrooms in 2 countries, and 28 international cooperation project partnerships.

TARIMKON has an approach based on human rights and adopting gender equality. It embraces the equality of people from all public groups, supports youth and women's labor, and implements a zero-tolerance policy against all kinds of discrimination. TARIMKON supports sustainable agricultural practices for the development of agricultural activities in accordance with environmental rights and contributes to the implementation of policies and projects for this purpose.

Agriculture and Food Joint Cooperation Board – TAGOK

It is our unit that provides international market, marketing, market research, project, finance, business development and foreign trade department services for its members, sector representatives, producers, business people, cooperatives and businesses, from exports to imports, from foreign investments to foreign investments of the private sector, and suppliers serving in the field of national-international arena.


By gathering supply, demand, finance and project owners under one roof in the field of agriculture, food and agriculture-based sub-industry, it conducts international market, marketing and market research with the professional staff they need, and provides special foreign trade department services to its members in countries where market researches are completed.

With its national-international economic and economic cooperation integration, TAGOK undertakes the coordination of every stage of its members' supply and demands from field to table.

TAGOK has an open and transparent structure to all enterprises that produce supply, demand, finance and projects in the field of agriculture, food and agriculture-based sub-industry. As can be seen in the table below, the structure of TAGOK consists of a Board of Directors and 6 business councils.

We would like to introduce our export support and service model, which we have prepared to export from Anatolia to the World with continuous, safe and economic benefits, which has been created by integrating with researches, field experiences and expert opinions for 10 years and works flawlessly.



  1. European Anatolian Trade Center (Headquarters: Germany – Cologne)
  2. Balkans Anatolian Trade Center (Headquarters: Macedonia – Skopje)
  3. Middle East Anatolian Trade Center (Headquarters: Saudi Arabia – Jeddah)
  4. North Africa Anatolian Trade Center (Headquarters: Tunis – Tunisia)
  5. And more... Soon

BIMG (Split Export Cost Input System) prepared by TAGOK

While reducing the marketing personnel costs of our member companies that want to export by 12/1, it facilitates the export process with its expert staff and increases the export performance, making its exports both cheaper and more effective.

TAGOK, with the consortium formed with its importer solution partners, in the concept of 365 Days Open Fair on an area of 5,000 m2 in the target region

SHOWROOM + WAREHOUSE + MARKETING OFFICES have created storage and shipment areas.

  1. In order for a company to export, it must establish a foreign trade department.

  1. If the company does not plan to invest abroad, but only wants to carry out export activities, it should establish a foreign trade department.

  1. The department to be established should consist of expert personnel who have a good command of the export legislation, can follow customs procedures, conduct foreign market research and manage customer relations.

  1. The cost of establishing a foreign trade department of a company may vary depending on the size of the company, its export volume, the nature of the investments it has made or will make abroad, and the functions of the department.


  1. The cost of establishing a foreign trade department of a company may vary depending on the size of the company, its export volume, the nature of the investments it has made or will make abroad, and the functions of the department.


But in general, the elements that make up the cost of the department are:

  1. Staff salaries and social security expenses,
  2. Fixed expenses such as office rent, electricity, water, internet,
  3. Procurement of external services such as customs brokers, shipping companies, insurance companies,
  4. Marketing expenses such as market research, promotion, fair participation,
  5. Travel expenses such as travel, accommodation, visas.
  6. Fair, promotion, representation and hospitality expenses,

The cost of a company to establish a foreign trade department may vary depending on the size of the company and the volume of exports. To begin with, even if a staff member has started working with him and aims to export to a country, the cost of a staff member to the business for one year will be around 25,000 USD.

If this company wants to conduct market research in a country abroad, transportation, accommodation, car rental, subsistence and other expenses will be around 8-10,000 USD on average.

If this company wants to participate in the fair in a country abroad for market research, creating a customer portfolio, increasing brand awareness, stand, logistics, customs, transportation, accommodation, car rental, subsistence and other expenses will be around 30,000 USD on average.


Even if a company wants to cover these costs;

  1. Lack of expert personnel and financial resources,
  2. Network inadequacy,
  3. Lack of information on how to export,
  4. Lack of technical and infrastructure,

The international market faces many challenges such as a lack of marketing and market research.

96% of our SME-level companies in our country do not establish a foreign trade department due to the reasons mentioned below and high costs, and they have difficulty in exporting and/or postpone the possibility of exporting continuously due to costs.

Split Export Cost Input System

The Agri-Food Joint Cooperation Board-TAGOK has developed a system based on its members' sharing of export costs with the Split Export Cost Input System it has established.

TAGOK provides marketing, market research and foreign trade department services to its members so that they can export. TAGOK has created a CLUSTER SYSTEM (BIMG) based on its members' sharing of export costs.

In this system, members can exhibit their products in the concept of open fair for 365 days in the showrooms in the countries they want to export to, carry out transactions such as storage, face-to-face meetings with potential buyers, logistics, customs, insurance and reduce export risks. In addition, TAGOK carries out promotional and advertising activities to increase the brand awareness of its members. Thanks to these services, the export capacity and competitiveness of its members increase.

TAGOK is based on its members' sharing of export costs, the Split Export Cost Input System-BIMG

  1. The foreign trade department to be established by our companies to export reduces personnel costs by up to 10%, showroom, warehouse, marketing and other expenses by 6-8%,

  1. It can increase the export success rate by at least 40 times compared to the rate of taking action on their own brand awareness.


Our expert staff assigned by TAGOK to each of our members;

1 Foreign Trade Specialist,

1 Grant, Support and Incentives Specialist,

1 Certification Specialist,

1 Digital Store Data Entry and Analysis Specialist,

1 Legal Advisor,

1 Market Research Specialist,

2 Logistics Consultants,

2 Customs Brokers,

1 Insurance Specialist,

1 Quality, Control and Expertise Specialist,

1 Press and Publication Consultant,

1 Warehouse and Dispatcher,

1 Export Intelligence Consultant,

1 Educator will work with you one-on-one 16

An expert is appointed

These experts manage the entire process, starting from the process of preparing the member company and the products it produces for export.


Our Staff Working for You at Our Headquarters: Center Manager, Operations Manager, Foreign Trade Specialists, Marketing Specialists, Legal and Commercial Legislation Specialist, Financial Advisor and Accountant, Project and Business Development Specialist, Technical Personnel, Logistics, Customs Consultants, Drivers, Secretariat, Advertising and Promotion Personnel, Call Center Personnel, Analysis, Data Processing Specialists, Software Developers, Market Research Specialists

Our Staff Working for You in Each of Our Anatolian Trade Centers: Center Manager, Foreign Trade Specialists, Marketing Specialists, Financial Advisors and Accountants, Project and Business Development Specialists, Technical Personnel, Logistics, Customs Consultants, Drivers, Secretariat, Market Research Specialists, Warehousemen, Technical and Cleaning Personnel, Shipment, Logistics, Customs Brokers, Drivers, Secretariat,


TARIMKON-ICAF ANATOLIAN TRADE CENTERS provides a comprehensive service for the export sector through the companies it has established together with its solution partners in the target regions.

Among these services, it has created a showroom, warehouse, marketing office, storage and shipment areas with the concept of a 365-day fair.

AGRICULTURE AND FOOD JOINT COOPERATION BOARD – By establishing a foreign trade department for each of our members within TAGOK; promote and sell their products in target markets with face-to-face hot marketing technique.

TARIMKON-ICAF ANATOLIAN TRADE CENTERS provide their members with competitive advantage in the national and international arena, increase their market shares, and help them establish new collaborations. Its members, on the other hand, focus only on making a quality and sustainable production in order to take advantage of these opportunities offered by TARIMKON-ICAF ANATOLIAN TRADE CENTERS.


  1. Thanks to the showroom, we create trust with buyers with our physical corporate structure after sales and sales.
  2. We visit all potential buyers on site and consult them to determine their needs.
  3. We ensure that the products requested by the buyer comply with international standards under the guarantee of TARIMKON and that these standards are sustainable.
  4. We plan and undertake the entire operation up to the warehouse determined by the buyer for the products requested.
  5. We provide certificates and reports certifying the quality and reliability of the products requested by the buyer.
  6. We offer the prices, payment terms, delivery times and warranty terms of the products requested by the buyer in the most appropriate way.
  7. We share the stock status, order tracking and delivery information of the products requested by the buyer online.
  8. We provide after-sales support, maintenance, repair and spare parts services for the products requested by the buyer.
  1. We contribute to the marketing, promotion and advertising activities of the products requested by the buyer.



  1. By appointing a foreign trade expert to the export process of our member company, we manage the export preparation processes and provide consultancy.
  2. In our showroom, we exhibit our products in the concept of a fair open 365 days a year.
  3. In our showroom, we provide stands with our member vendor company's own brand and logo, thus contributing to the brand awareness of the company.
  4. We carry out the necessary business and certification processes for our member company to export.
  5. We are constantly carrying out advertising and promotional activities to increase our exports in the target region.
  6. We manage the relations of our member company with public-institutions and organizations in the national-international arena.
  7. By assigning a grant, support and incentive specialist to our member company, we ensure that our member company is aware of all national and international grants, supports and incentives that it can develop business, business and product, and that it benefits from these programs it deems appropriate.
  8. We visit all potential buyers in the region of our center on site, promote our products and carry out face-to-face marketing activities.
  9. We are in constant consultation with all potential buyers to determine their needs.
  10. We carry out marketing, promotion and advertising activities of our products.
  11. We conduct market research for the marketing of our products.
  12. We provide an address to our member vendor company in the country where we are headquartered, and we provide office and secretarial services.
  13. If member vendors want to conduct market research in target countries, we provide consultancy services for visa procedures and providing the necessary documents.
  14. We offer meeting room (B2B-B2C) and translator and secretarial services in our center during market research for member vendors to target countries.
  15. We offer the right to have personnel in our headquarters in the target country of member vendor companies if they wish.
  16. We provide foreign trade training and consultancy services on the market conditions, regulations, culture and ways of doing business of the countries to which member vendors export.
  17. We offer legal, logistics, customs, product and receivables insurance services for the sale and after-sales of our products.
  18. We provide market research reports for the target region.
  19. We provide warehouse and warehouse services.
  20. We support the establishment of a dealer network in the customs union countries in the target region.
  21. If needed, we support our Member Vendor company to establish a branch in the target country.
  1. It constantly organizes B2B and B2C on-line and face-to-face business meetings and consults with our member vendors on increasing our exports, marketing, product and business development. As a result of these consultations, we are constantly improving the services we offer to buyers and sellers.

Finally, what does Anadolu Ticaret Merkezi promise?

As Anadolu Trade Center, we offer you the opportunity to take your trade to the next level with the comprehensive services we offer to our importer and exporter companies. We provide a wide range of services, from products secured at international standards for buyers to supports that will increase brand awareness and export capacity for sellers. While we give you the chance to exhibit your products by offering an open fair atmosphere throughout the year in our showroom, we are also with you in your export processes with our foreign trade expertise. We provide strong support at every step, from the promotion of your products to the management of logistics processes, from legal consultancy to target market research.

Contact us to join the Anadolu Ticaret Merkezi family and strengthen your position in the global market and grow your business. As your partner, we are just a click away. Call us now to get more information about our membership and services and maximize your potential in trading. Anadolu Trade Center is here for the future of your trade!

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